Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Again With the Comics Triple Action!

Today marks three long, long years since Again With the Comics made its dubious debut in the comics blogosphere! When I started all this, I had no idea how long I'd be able to sustain it, but here we are, three years old, and somewhat less completely irrelevant than we were before! The last year has seen AWtC exceed one million page views and pass half a million unique visits, which proves that lots of people will read anything if its free. I still enjoy babbling away here, so if you're all game, lets try for a year four.

I'm all about being "green", so how about some recycling? Here are a few highlights from the last year of Again With the Comics:

Hometown Triple-A Baseball Heroes Meet Murderous Marvel Comics Lunatics!
AWtC Rips the Lid off the Civil War/Secret Invasion Conspiracy!
Before his coming Red Circle debut, read An Open Letter from the Web to J. Michael Straczynski!
The Hulk Juggles Circus Animals While Posing as a Robot Clown!
Not long ago, one man had a dream... a dream of Corpses...Coast To Coast!
We've recently met J. Jonah Jameson Senior, but what about the guy who raised Jonah?
The Fire Apes Skulk Forward...And Death Is Abroad!
This wasn't a real official comic book blog until I made fun of Star Trek/X-men!
Speaking of X-Men, this post about the Best Alternate Future Wolverine Ever got interesting/disappointing in the comments, where we found that X-Men can make even the simplest one off gag insanely confusing, given enough time and pages!
I officially apologize for my Krypto obsession, but I can't swear it won't happen again!

Thanks for reading, folks! Check back for more comics and comic-related accessories!

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